Friday, November 4, 2011

Arbitrary Precision Everywhere

Math should just do "the right thing" when programming.

Once upon a time, computers were slow and desperately short on RAM, and programmers were forced to cut corners everywhere they could just to get their programs to run. It made sense to specify, down to the byte, how much memory to set aside for every variable. That micromanagement really got you something. These constraints still apply in the world of embedded programming or for building really foundational programs like operating systems and the like, but for everything else, modern computers are awash in clock cycles and RAM.

So why do I still see programming languages that can't do arbitrary precision math?

Futzing with ints and doubles today is just premature optimization. It just increases the program's complexity and makes it more likely to crash. To be fair, more and more languages are baking in arbitrary precision arithmetic, but I still see a lot of languages that really ought to have it but don't. (Perl I'm looking at you!) Unless the language in question is designed to compete with C or act primarily as an embedded language like Lua, there is no reason for it to come with limited arithmetic facilities.

Arbitrary precision math should also be transparent. Don't make me go looking for a bignum module or a special set of math functions. Design your language so that math just does the right thing. The default should be arbitrary precision; the special library should be ints and doubles.

Given how much RAM we already have, running out of memory is hard to do and getting harder every day. Ten years from now, when we're all sitting on hundreds of gigabytes (if not terabytes) of RAM, exceeding the computer's capacity will be quite an accomplishment.

For that matter, it already is.

Here's an experiment for you Linux users. Type the following at your command line:
time python -c 'print 2 ** 100000'
For those who don't know python, this program computes 2 to the 100,000th power and then prints it to your command line. Here's the output (minus printing the digits):
real 0m0.768s
user 0m0.736s
sys 0m0.004s
Look at those numbers. This program runs in less than a second. That's over 30,000 digits in less than a second! Let's see what happens when you cut out the print statement:
real 0m0.031s
user 0m0.024s
sys 0m0.004s
Wow! Just wow!

So let's run through this again. Computers are lightning fast and stuffed full of RAM. You don't have to justify arbitrary precision anymore; you have to justify its absence.

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